Improving the Coordination of European Policies in Georgia Based on the Practices of Visegrad Countries


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7500-ზე მეტი წიგნი პაკეტში
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წიგნის შესახებ


Study is undertaken by Georgia’s Reforms Associates (GRASS) a non-partisan, nongovernmental multi-profile policy watchdog and think-tank, which conducts research and public policy analysis and provides advice and project management in the fields of public policy and public administration reform. GRASS has identified Foreign Policy and Security, European Integration, Occupied Regions and Engagement, National Minorities, Education, Vulnerable Groups and Justice and Liberty as the areas of its work. GRASS was established in October 2012 by a group of like-minded former senior civil servants form the Georgian Ministries of Justice, Interior, Economy, Foreign Affairs and Defense, among other government agencies and former international civil servants with worldwide experience.

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