
The Theoretical Principles of the Objective Law of Competition and a Defense of Honest Big as well as Small Businesses

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Doctor of Economic Sciences (Specialization: World Economy and International Economic Relations), Founder of Academy of Business named after academician Avtandil Gunia, Academician of Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences Revaz Lordkipanidze offers his own interpretation of the key theoretical principles of the objective law of competition and a defence of Honest Big as well as Small Businesses with the most significant base of the World Peaceful Economic Policy – the rational defence of an effective international competition. This book about the force and problems of international competition will be useful for specialists of fundamentals and practice of Business and Law.
რეკომენდებული ელ. წიგნები
დაწვრილებით ელ. წიგნის შესახებ
Doctor of Economic Sciences (Specialization: World Economy and International Economic Relations), Founder of Academy of Business named after academician Avtandil Gunia, Academician of Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences Revaz Lordkipanidze (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revaz_Lordkipanidze http://revaz-lordkipanidze.simplesite.com) offers his own interpretation for the key theoretical principles of the objective law of competition and a defence of honest big as well as Small Businesses with the most significant base of the World Peaceful Economic Policy – the rational defence of an effective international competition. This book about the force and problems of international competition will be useful for specialists of fundamentals and practice of Business and Law. R. Lordkipanidze writes: “I have great respect to the works of David Ricardo, but in the matter of a perfect competition, I have a different view than he and his critique - John Maynard Keynes. Ricardo thought, that under perfect competition, a large number of competitors should be equivalent, but Keynes criticised such views of Classics and he claimed, that this kind of competition is not effective and it's necessarily intervenes from outside. I discovered the new perspective for understanding a perfect competition. These novelties are in the natural rationalism of borders (indexes) of a Competition and a human beings should protect those borders. A large number of competitors should not be operating without boundaries and the process does not necessarily imply the equivalence of all participants. The large and small plants and animals coexist perfectly in a nature and a market should also do so, but they should be protected from dishonest collusion monopolies. We must always remember a possible negative effect of "short circuit" in conditions of a very large number of competitors after the artificial division of the honest large business objects.” The work dedicated to those people, who died 80 years ago in the mass repressions of the former atheistic Soviet Union (1937). We are and we will be continuously supporting the best American traditions of a competence and mutual respect of the contemporary (Donald Trump with Republicans and real economic innovations) and former (Barack Obama with Democrats) leaders and building of Great Churches and strong and effective economies for world peace.
ელ. წიგნის მახასიათებლები
ISBN - 13:
The Theoretical Principles of the Objective Law of Competition and a Defense of Honest Big as well as Small Businesses
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